Gender and Severe and Multiple Disadvantage

Women’s experiences of accessing services in Bristol

There are gendered differences in how women experience severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD) in comparison to men.

Data collected by Golden Key as part of the programme’s ongoing monitoring showed that outcomes for women facing SMD differ greatly from those of men, with women experiencing poorer outcomes (both in terms of NDT scores and Outcome Star results) after working with the programme for the same length of time. The Golden Key Partnership Board commissioned this report in 2019 to explore why experiences for women with SMD differ so greatly and to understand how services and the system in Bristol can better respond to the needs of women facing SMD.

This report focuses on how services work with women experiencing multiple disadvantage, the specific issues that women face and their journeys to getting help. The report is practitioner-focused and explores the views and experiences of Bristol-based practitioners, from Golden Key and external organisations, alongside relevant literature.

Our hope was that this report would be the start of a discussion, on a local level, about how outcomes for women can be improved and that it highlighted the knowledge and best practice that already existed within the city.

“The Gender and Severe and Multiple Disadvantage report brings evidence to the sector that we need to continually learn from the stories of our service users if we are to provide a truly appropriate and effective response. We hope this report will help all who read it, to remove systemic barriers for women across the UK.  We also hope it will influence and inform those who fund and develop services. Only then will women be able to get the help that they need to heal and thrive.  ”

— Anna Smith, CEO of One25


On 31st March 2021, we held a webinar to introduce the findings from the report. Our panellists discussed how we can implement some of the recommendations across the sector and change the system to improve women’s lives.

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Download the full report

Our Gender and Severe and Multiple Disadvantage report is available for download.